Make the most of Bristol’s incredible local food scene by buying seasonal produce, eating more vegetables and avoiding needless waste.

What can Youdoo?

Click on an action below to find out more. If you think its doable for you add the pledge to your cart and then sign up to commit to doing it for as long as you can manage.

Say no to food waste

Say no to food waste

Sign up to Meat Free Monday

Sign up to Meat Free Monday

Eat with the seasons

Eat with the seasons

Whats the Benefit?

Choosing local, seasonal food and minimising waste helps you:

  • Save money
  • Enjoy better health
  • Support our local farmers and businesses
Bristol One City - Climate Action Stories

Did you know?

Source: Oxford University

If everyone ate meat no more than

a week, we could prevent

31,000 deaths

from heart disease.